A Fracking mess

I went to a dinner recently where the speaker, an API spokesperson, presented Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) to us.  The Industry has some work to do to convince the public that they are being good neighbors. Here are some links the speaker presented: http://publications.api.org/ http://api.org/standards; There I found https://publications.api.org/ includes HF articles and free pdfs of specs to …

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Read for yourself about Corexit(r), the oil spill dispersant used in the Gulf spill.

The following was posted today in the LinkedIn GreenUSA discussion board: I have nothing to do with this and do not benefit from any of this.  I wanted to see for myself what I’m not hearing in the news.  I know that it easy to obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any chemical …

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Green – Not New, but Real

I have been attending various events where “Green” has the the topic of discussion.  For those of you that don’t know, this term has been used to describe anything that is sustainable.  “Anything” could be methods or products.  Generally, the Environmental Technologies that support sustainability are not new. We started developing most of these “green” …

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